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The Race is Worth it When You Hit the Finish Line

Well last week was an easy one for Slider! We did not do much riding work as I had made it my goal to run a half marathon and did not want to wear out my legs right before a thirteen mile run. I lunged Slider a lot or walked him before the run the Sunday before last.

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If the Result Is the Same Each Lesson, Change the Lesson

Hello everyone! I have been riding Slider four times a week now. I don’t want to go overboard and ride him too much and make him sore. He is still creating muscle mass as I ride him. I do think riding (within reason) builds the most muscle in the shortest amount of time for the horse.

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Good Things Happen When You Do Good Things

Well, folks, I am happy to report that Slider is still alive and well. I write this because right during Louisville week, Iowa became incredibly humid and I came to the barn to lunge Slider. We didn’t work hard, but he broke a sweat, which he does not ever do when lunging.

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If You're Having a Bad Day, Watch the Horses

It is a magical week this week…the beginning of the World’s Championship Horse Show in Louisville! I personally have never ridden on the green shavings, and although it is a lifelong dream just to ride there, it seems pretty unlikely right now at this stage in my life.

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The Fastest Way to Do Anything Correctly Is Slowly

I am by no means a horse trainer. I have never started a colt, or taught a horse to rack, or even won a prestigious ribbon at an upper level horse show such as Louisville or the Royal. What I do have, however, is a vast collective of knowledge from a variety of trainers whom I have worked for over the years.

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